474 Days

That is how long it’s been since I’ve raced an iron distance race (Challenge Taiwan 2018!). And let me tell you, for someone who, over the last ten years, has raced 30 Ironmans…..waiting 474 days to do one feels like forever! 

But, I am going to be back on the start line for another 140.6 miles of fun come Sunday, in my favorite city in the world to date: Copenhagen. In previous years here I have done a lot of the tourist things - canal tours, meals on the waterfront, E-bike city tours, etc.  This year I am just doing my best to hibernate a bit before the race and keep the legs up and sipping on my NUUN Hydration. I am so lucky because my “host mom” who helped me see Copenhagen like both a tourist and local in years past is still willing to cook for me and we had a great dinner last night, catching up on the last few years. I love the special connections I have made through this sport - we can reconnect just every couple of years and it seems like we haven’t missed a beat, only her grandchildren keep getting older!

Hibernation has given me plenty of time to be super diligent with my pre-race routine and really making sure I don’t blow through any details since I’m out of practice. I’ve done a lot of work all around with the swim/bike/and run in the last 474 days, and I don’t want to lose what that could give me in a race because of a silly oversight! It should be rainy-ish and cool -- typical Danish conditions -- also perfect Ironman conditions in my opinion! 

If you happen to be in Copenhagen, please join me tomorrow....Women For Tri is hosting a brunch and I will be on the panel for a Q&A. Though, apparently you had to register for this event I just found out....but I doubt they will actively turn folks away!

And finally, remember when I ran the Long Trail last summer? Well, Aliza Lapierre is out on her attempt to get the women’s supported record, as I type! It’s fun to be on *this* side of things this time around, I have to say. Tracking her definitely leaves me a bit nostalgic and I relive each section as she faces it. I couldn’t help but think the “fun” of the rivers that made up the trail that first climb up Jay Peak, climbing through Devil's Gulch, and eating my summit poptart on Mansfield. Aliza and I did connect before her attempt, and I wish her all the best on this adventure!! You can track her here

And if that isn't enough adventure, in the other random things I've been following since I've spent more time on the internet with taper: Mike Posner (yeah, the guy who wrote "Cooler than Me" - aka the song that's been stuck in your head for the last 11 years) is walking across America and writing songs while he does it. Until, he got bit by a rattlesnake and he has had to spend time in the hospital and recuperating, because apparently rattlesnake bites are not good. Anyway, you can follow this on twitter.

You're welcome.

Here's to swim-bike-running for the Danish Kroner on Sunday!!! And always, please consider supporting my amazing sponsors who help keep me dreaming big and racing hard!


Slow Burn


It's the worst! Let's do it again....